Thursday, July 28, 2011

MN Supreme Court Rules Say Bachmann's Right to Practice Law Should Be Suspended

Presidential candidate appears to have registered at state for past three years under old address.

By Karl Bremer

Throughout her political career, Michele Bachmann has rarely passed up an opportunity to burnish her lawyerly credentials by claiming that she’s a “tax litigation attorney.” And for almost as long, Bachmann hasn’t even been authorized to practice law in her home state of Minnesota.

Now, it appears that Bachmann’s license to practice law in Minnesota should not only be unauthorized, but suspended and placed on “not in good standing” status for failure to comply with the “Rules of the Supreme  Court on Lawyer Registration.”

Lawyers licensed to practice law in Minnesota are required to register annually with the Lawyer Registration Office in the Minnesota Judicial Branch. They’re also required to pay an annual registration fee that varies depending on the lawyer’s active/inactive status, income level, residence and years in the profession.

The Supreme Court Rules also require that “Every lawyer or judge must immediately notify the Lawyer Registration Office of any change of postal address. Every lawyer or judge who elects to use the online registration system must immediately update their online registration profile to reflect any change of their postal address and email address.”

That rule is clearly referenced on the Minnesota Judicial Branch website on Updating Lawyer Registration.

Bachmann paid her most recent annual registration fee on July 11, 2011. Her address listed on her registration is 1801 Johnson Drive, Stillwater, MN. But Bachmann hasn’t lived at that address for nearly four years.

That would appear to put Bachmann in noncompliance with the Supreme Court Rules—not just this year, but for at least the past three years.

“A lawyer or judge who fails to meet all of the criteria to be on either active or inactive status is placed on non-compliant status, and the right to practice law in this state is automatically suspended,” the Supreme Court Rules state. “A lawyer or judge on non-compliant status is not in good standing. A lawyer or judge on non-compliant status must not practice law in this state, must not hold out himself or herself as authorized to practice law, or in any manner represent that he or she is qualified or authorized to practice law while on non-compliant status. Any lawyer or judge who violates this rule is subject to all the penalties and remedies provided by law for the unauthorized practice of law in the State of Minnesota.”

Did Bachmann simply ignore the rule requiring immediate notification of any change of address? Or did she knowingly continue to file under a false address since she moved from the City of Stillwater to West Lakeland Township in 2008?

This is only the latest in a long history of sloppy record-keeping, tardy legal filings and questionable campaign reports that litter Bachmann’s political career. Will anyone care enough to enforce the law this time?


  1. Oh, the Bachmanns are waist-deep in shady dealings and two-faced behavior. I wrote about that just today (

  2. She also had to register to vote in person at the West Lakeland poll site during the 2010 election. Many people saw her stop at the registration table to do this. Her husband was with her but needed only to sign in on the registered voters list. So he was registered to vote and she was not. Got to wonder... if the Bachmanns moved to West Lakeland before the 2008 national election (?), then Michelle didn't vote in that election.

  3. Karl, if you found the address of her former home publicly, can you imagine the extreme fear and anxiety over having her current address listed?? Funny.

  4. So what are the consequences of this "Fraud", Karl?

    Will she be disbarred?


    What could happen?

  5. You might want to read this before getting all high and mighty.

  6. Anonymous, why would anyone want to read anything written by a check-bouncing owner of a garbage house?

  7. Because he's better informed than the author of this drivel?

  8. Anon 1:05, are you afraid of the truth?

  9. Anonymice, you might want to read this before you get all high and mighty--

  10. Anon 10:26, what does that have to do with the topic at hand? Nothing. Again, are you afraid of the truth?

  11. I don't see the problem. She's not actively practicing, so why would she have to remain licensed and registered. It's not like she's a sex offender who has to update the court on her status and whereabouts.

    If she's "not in good standing" she simply isn't up to date with her registration process, and could re-register, pay the bill, then catch up on her classes or whatever.

    Not a Bachmann fan, but this seems like much ado about nothing.

  12. If Michelle is sloppy about her law licence how do we know that she would NOT be SLOPPY with running the United States of America?

  13. Wow, cool post. I’d like to write like this too – taking time and real hard work to make a great article… but I put things off too much and never seem to get started. Thanks though.
